Yoga, Breathing Exercises and Meditation: the Best Stress Relief Solutions
To some extent, stress is a normal part of human existence. In prehistory, our ancestors would not have survived without the “good stress” and the rush of cortisol that pushed them to escape any form of danger. Nowadays, the most common sources of stress and anxiety are professional and psychological issues. To relieve it without risking any side effects, practicing yoga, breathing techniques or/and meditation is a good idea.
Yoga: the Anti-Stress Sport
You know you are stressed out when you have some or all of the following symptoms: insomnia, back pain, muscle tension, increased heart rate, and even depression. When it happens, it is important to take the necessary measures to avoid the situation to get worse. In this respect, yoga is the perfect sport to practice. Indeed, it is about harmonizing body and spirit, and focusing on the present moment by combining postures called asana in Sanskrit. Yoga is a form of letting go and consists of giving to yourself a moment of serenity in a world that often goes too fast and in which you can quickly feel overwhelmed and stressed. Practicing yoga is a great way to learn stress management by acting on the relaxation of muscles and spine but also on breathing.
Breathing Exercises to Fight Stress
As you can see, this second solution can be complementary to the first one, or even to the next one. But even if you are not willing to do yoga or meditation, doing some breathing techniques can help you relax immediately. In addition to be free, it can be practiced almost everywhere and every time. Besides, it only takes 5 minutes to relieve stress with this alternative. To find the most effective anti-stress breathing exercises, click here. It is not just about slowing the respiration, there other rules to follow about the posture and other parameters.
Mindfulness Meditation: another Natural Stress Relief Solution
Half an hour per day of mindfulness meditation would help to reduce stress, anxiety and even some forms of depression. This is the result of a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). One of the reasons why this kind of meditation acts on stress is that it allows you to quit all forms of vicious ruminative circle. It is not about stopping thinking but developing another relation with your mental activity, a less enslaved and less identified relation to be clearer.