Will Probiotics Benefit an Itchy Penis?
When the desire to scratch the penis hits, there’s no fighting it – which is why guys do whatever they can to avoid an itchy penis. Sure, it’s not such a big issue when a dude is all alone or is just hanging out with bros. But when he has an itchy penis situation in front of his girlfriend (or worse, her parents) or in a meeting with his boss, this penis health inconvenience can become a source of major embarrassment. Keeping an itchy penis away may require incorporating several strategies – and for some men, taking probiotics might just be one of them.
What are probiotics?
Guys who keep up with the latest in health trends have probably at least heard of probiotics in the last few years. For the uninitiated, however, probiotics are bacteria. Now, bacteria tend to get a bum rap, but just as there are good people and bad people (or good dogs and bad dogs), there are good bacteria and bad bacteria – and probiotics are among the good guys of the bacteria world.
Different good bacteria have different functions. Probiotics are especially known for their ability to help with digestive issues, like diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. Which is all well and good, but neither of those conditions contribute to an itchy penis.
Itchy penis help
However, eczema certainly does – and research suggests that probiotics can be helpful in treating eczema. The studies seem to indicate that probiotics don’t actually make the underlying cause of eczema go away, but they do help treat the symptoms – such as the rashiness and the itchiness – and there’s a lot to be said for that kind of help.
Probiotics also are thought to help improve the capability for moisturization – in other words, to speed along the hydration process of the skin, which in turn often helps relieve the urge to scratch.
Probiotics also help prevent thrush, a yeast infection that often afflicts the penis and surrounding areas. And thrush can make for one especially itchy penis. Proibiotics help diminish the yeast that causes the condition; they are especially helpful when a man is on antibiotics, which tend to strengthen the ability of yeast to gain ground.
Other penis benefits
But the penis benefits of probiotics don’t stop with relieving the need to scratch. Probiotics are thought to be helpful with urinary tract infections, which are a little more common in men than most guys think. The,mechanisms by which probiotics help prevent this issue are still being studied, but there does appear to be a correlation.
Probiotics also can help a man with cardiovascular issues. Probiotics create an acid which lets the liver know that it should stop producing so much cholesterol, helping to lower this common problem. And a healthier heart means a man is better positioned to attain and maintain erections and to sustain vigorous sexual exercise.
Finally, probiotics also seem to play some role in boosting testosterone levels – and that again can have an impact on a man’s sex drive and on his healthy erectile function.
Taking probiotics alone will not cure an itchy penis (or guarantee cardiovascular health, for that matter.) But it can be part of a regimen that also includes a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Keeping penis skin moisturized is key to suppressing itchiness, so select a crème that contains both a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) and a high end emollient (such as shea butter). Experts also recommend vitamin C for good penis skin health, so the chosen crème should include this ingredient as well. Vitamin C is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.