Why more and more people are turning to a career in therapy
In recent years, there has been greater acceptance of mental health concerns and those affected by them. There has also been more research into the causes and treatments of mental health conditions, which has helped to improve outcomes for many people.
The heightened awareness is one of the reasons why more and more people are turning to a career in therapy so that they can help people.
Trying to help others
One of the overriding reasons why more people are going into a career in therapy is so that they can directly help others.
The subject of mental health being more extensively covered in the media in recent times has helped to improve understanding of just how many people are affected.
Whether these problems are temporary or long-term, the need to help people is a big part of the attraction of careers in therapy, and why there is specialist therapy training in the UK, USA & Canada to help meet these needs.
Fulfilling a need to be part of something
Many people who choose to become therapists, due so later in life. One of the reasons seems to be a need to feel fulfilled in their work.
It may be that in their previous career, they were not getting the satisfaction they needed from their job. A lack of fulfilment can make some question why they do the jobs they do, and cause them to wonder there is something else they could pursue that would mean more to them.
Therapy isn’t always an easy road, and therapists will encounter problems as most people do in their working lives. However, trying to work towards a solution and seeing people make the changes in their lives to help overcome their mental health issues, is a big plus point of embarking on a career in therapy.
A change in mindset
More than ever, companies are seeing the benefits of making therapy a part of their care plan for their staff.
What was once a taboo subject is now discussed openly by employees and employers. There is also a growing understanding of mental health, and this has helped increase companies’ openness to recruiting people who may have struggled with their mental health in the past.
It is a growing field of work
Around the world, more people are choosing to go into some form of therapy career. Part of this is due to a growing need for therapists in all manner of areas.
Businesses are now starting to employ their own counsellors to help with the workforce. This type of proactive direction is because employers are seeing the benefits of having a happy and healthy team.
There is also a growing number of people who are feeling better about being open about their mental health and seeking therapy. It isn’t seen as a stigma as much as it might have once been, and work is still ongoing to remove the final issues that prevent people from seeking help.
Work-life balance is becoming increasingly valued
What many people realised during the successive COVID-19 lockdowns, is that a healthy work-life balance is increasingly important to them.
Being able to work from home in a relatively stress-free environment is appealing to many people who are no longer happy always working in a traditional office.
It has also encouraged more people to start looking for a job role that they enjoy and get a sense of meaning from.
All of these factors have led to increases in the numbers of people wanting to become therapists. Those who are interested in becoming therapists are able to focus on one specific area of therapy that interests them the most, or a section of people they want to help in particular.
Increased personal experience
With increased openness towards the subject of mental health, there are going to be more people who have become more aware of mental health issues at first hand. Those could be their own struggles, or even those that a loved one, friend or colleague may have experienced and subsequently discussed with them.
These interactions may leave someone motivated to do what they can to help other individuals or families who are going through similar experiences.
More training opportunities
With an increase in awareness has come a growing number of avenues people have available to them if they wish to become a therapist.
There is now a wide range of courses, webinars and conferences available, both online and offline, that can help train and prepare students for careers in therapy.
This, together with comprehensive ongoing learning once the student qualifies, is a good way to not only become a therapist, but also increase one’s skills and knowledge with time and experience.
Becoming a therapist can be highly rewarding and fulfilling. You can help people with various mental health problems get the therapy and support they need. And if you would like to begin venturing into the therapy field for yourself, here at nscience, we can provide plentiful and wide-ranging learning resources to assist you on your journey.
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