Welcome to Anti-Ageing April – Healthista
Welcome to Anti-Ageing April – a month dedicated to natural skincare. Harley Street Skin Expert Una Jefford joins us for natural beauty skincare tips – plus simple product recipes you can create with products at home
Every day on average we expose ourselves to approximately 126 different chemicals from body grooming products such as shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, deodorant, face creams and hair products.
These chemicals enter our bodies through our skin and enter our bloodstream.
We know now more than ever before, just how porous human skin is with the increasing use of transdermal patches delivering medicines, as well as the application of essential oils in body oils.
Every day on average we expose ourselves to approximately 126 different chemicals
Because of this, you may want to pay more attention to the ingredients and products you are applying to your skin or start opting for more natural, inexpensive ingredients which are food-based beauty superstars.
That’s why this month, Healthista is dedicating its full attention to Anti-Ageing April – a time to focus and provide some TLC to our skin with the most natural ingredients out there.
Anti-Ageing April with Harley Street skin expert Una Jefford
Healthista will be joined by Harley street resident skin expert of Dermal Health Aesthetics Skincare Clinic, Una Jefford.
Una will be with Healthista all month to provide simple beauty hacks and beauty product recipes that can be createdusing natural ingredients we probably already have in our cupboards.
Every Monday and Friday of April, Una will be showcasing simple therapeutic video recipes we can all do from home in minutes.
Every Monday and Friday of April, Una will be showcasing simple therapeutic video recipes
We would love you all to create these homemade products yourself and let us know how you got on by tagging #antiageingapril #HealthistaTV #dermalhealth on Instagram.
We hope you enjoy these fun and informative tips and have a great Anti Ageing April with us, to look and feel your best!
Check back in on Monday for our first video – how to make a Green Tea Toner and the benefits of using household vinegar for our skin.
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