The guide to The best restaurants and cafes along Lygon Street

Best Lygon Street Restaurants in Melbourne


You’ve come to the right place. You’ll find a listing of the best restaurants and cafes along Lygon Street in this guide. You’ll also discover some of the best bars, coffee shops, and nightclubs in Melbourne.

Sydney speed dating, Lygon street bars, and Melbourne restaurants

Sydney speed dating and Lygon Street bars are two of the most sought-after activities in Melbourne, especially if you’re after a fun night out with friends.

But what is it about these places that makes them so popular? And how can you enjoy both at once?

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  • sydney speed dating Speed Dating is a fun and efficient way to meet new people.
  • It’s also a great way of meeting someone in one night, whom you would never have met otherwise.

If you are single and looking for love, speed dating can help your chances of finding the partner of your dreams!

  • When does it happen? The event takes place from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (or until all the spots are taken), so be sure to arrive on time! We recommend arriving no later than 5:50 pm if possible as that’s when registration closes. We want everyone to get through as much of our extensive questionnaire as possible to provide maximum efficiency during the speed date round itself which begins promptly at 7:00 pm and ends on time at 8:30 pm sharp!

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We have a wide range of cocktail party drinks that are perfect for any event or occasion. You can choose from our selection of wine, beer, and spirits – or use our service to create a bespoke cocktail made just for you. We’re happy to help!

restaurant in

In the last few years, Lygon Street has become a hub for Italian cuisine in Melbourne. If you’re looking for some delicious pasta or pizza, this is the place to go, lygon street bars.

Lygon Street’s restaurants are renowned for serving up authentic Italian fare at affordable prices. There are also plenty of bars on Lygon Street if you’re after more than just food; here you’ll find some of Melbourne’s best cocktail spots and trendy wine bars.

Melbourne Restaurants — A renowned and infamous strip of Italian eateries set on Lygon Street (Carlton North) in Melbourne.

Your guide to the best restaurants in Melbourne, Australia. Lygon Street is a famous street in Melbourne, Australia. It’s located in Carlton North, a suburb of Melbourne. Lygon Street is a renowned and infamous strip of Italian eateries set on Lygon Street (Carlton North) in Melbourne.

Melbourne Restaurants — Lygon Street Restaurants — Find a listing of the best restaurants and cafes along Lygon Street.

Lygon Street is a popular destination for Melbourne foodies. It’s one of the most famous and popular dining strips in Australia, with an array of restaurants, cafes, and bars all located on this street, and for more information Sydney restaurants.

You’ll find some of the best Italian cuisines in Melbourne here; these restaurants are famous for their authentic pizzas, kinds of pasta, and gelato! After you’ve eaten your way through Lygon Street’s many excellent offerings there are plenty of other things to do nearby such as shopping at Queen Victoria Market or visiting other areas such as Carlton Gardens or Fitzroy Gardens.


Lygon Street is a small street in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. It is known for its restaurants and cafes, but it also has many other things to see and do. For example, you could go shopping at one of the many boutiques or even have a drink at one of the bars. If you are looking for something more exciting than just eating out then there are plenty of options available here too; everything from live music performances every weekend!

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