Homeopathy Explained
Homeopathy is a natural, safe and gentle alternative medical solution to heal and treat illness and the symptoms of illness as well as to improve general health and restore the body. Compared with conventional medical treatments, it is safer for young children and pets, does not contain any negative side effects and is a much more affordable solution. Homeopathy is regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
What can homeopathy be used for?
The treatments can be used for acute illnesses like colds and flu, sore throats, ear infections, migraines and many more. It can also be used to reduce symptoms in some chronic conditions such as asthma, arthritis, autism and depression.
Homeopathic medicine, commonly referred to as remedies, are made from plant, mineral and other natural sources. The products are free of animal cruelty and are readily available over the counter at pharmacies, drug stores, health stores and online outlets. The remedies are extremely affordable making them accessible as a treatment option to more people. When used as directed, homeopathic medicine is 100% safe for infants, children, pets, adults, the elderly as well as pregnant and breastfeeding moms. The dosages are in such small amounts that there are no side effects.
Myth about homeopathy
One huge myth that needs to be dispelled is that homeopathy is a general term that can be used to include any and all types of natural therapies that are available on the market. In other words, just because herbal treatments, Chinese medicine and other energy healing course of remedies are also made from natural ingredients does not mean that they are homeopathic. Rather, it is a unique treatment system. The correct umbrella term for all natural healing treatments is Naturopathy.
Who can homeopathy benefit?
Just about anyone can follow the dosage and user instructions to treat simple conditions at home. However, it is essential to consult a professional homeopath to treat serious illness or life-threatening health conditions and diseases.
How is homeopathic medicine different from conventional medicine?
Homeopathy follows the fundamental Law of Similars. The law is based on the basic principle in nature that “like cures like”. For instance, if a medical treatment can make a healthy person ill, it can also cure a sick person with the same or similar illness. A great example of this is the onion. When you cut an onion it makes your eyes burn or water and your nose run which are all similar symptoms associated with the common cold, flu and even allergies. It follows that a micro-dose of red onion (Allium Cepa) would help relieve these symptoms in those who have contracted an illness (like the flu) that causes burning, watery eyes and/or a runny nose.
In homeopathy, the symptoms of an illness or disease are regarded as the body’s attempt to heal itself and restore the balance. Homeopathy, therefore, prescribes remedies that support the symptoms rather than attempting to counter or suppress them like conventional medicine does. For example, a medical doctor will prescribe an antihistamine for those presenting with symptoms like a runny nose and watering eyes which is a drug used to dry up the moisture and mucous that is produced by the body. Unlike the homeopathic solutions, antihistamines have uncomfortable side effects – most notably they cause drowsiness and constipation.
The homeopathy belief system
Homeopathy also follows the belief that every person is unique and different and will, therefore, react differently to a specific disease, illness or ailment. Two people who present with exactly the same illness may therefore not be prescribed the same remedy. The remedy that is given is based on the symptoms that are exhibited rather than the disease.
For example, a person with the flu who presents with a blocked nose and tight cough will receive a different treatment from one that has a runny nose and wet cough, even though both people have the flu. Homeopathy remedies are therefore symptom-based, unlike conventional medicine that prescribes a specific norm, standard or protocol of treatment for a specific disease no matter what the symptoms are.
This said, conventional medicine controls the symptoms of an illness rather than seeking to cure the underlying cause of the problem. In other words, a medication is prescribed to control a specific disease and when it is withdrawn, the symptoms will return. Let’s take asthma as an example. Everyday use of prescription medicine will alleviate or entirely eliminate the symptoms of this health condition. Once the medication is stopped, the symptoms will return in full force. The drugs are therefore not curing asthma or healing the body but simply alleviating the symptoms.
Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, seeks to cure the underlying cause of the disease, illness or health condition by providing just enough of a remedy to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanism.
Who can practice homeopathy?
It may be surprising to learn that homeopathy is practised by the general medical community including medical practitioners or GP’s, MD’s, nurses, osteopaths, podiatrists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, midwives, other alternative healthcare professionals and of course homeopaths. Basically, any healthcare practitioner who is licensed to prescribe medication can practice homeopathy.