CITC celebrate UN World Health Day
City in the Community (CITC) celebrated UN World Health Day yesterday by highlighting their work at their Soccer Schools.
On Thursday 7 April, the UN marked its annual World Health Day campaign. Each year the organisation draw attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world.
This year’s main theme of UN World Health Day is #HealthierTogether and to ‘create a society focused on wellbeing’.
To mark the occasion, CITC highlighted the work their Soccer Schools do to promote a healthy activity, healthy food and health mental health.
CITC deliver soccer schools during school holidays throughout the year, inviting young people from the most deprived communities in Manchester to be active and have fun through the power of football.
Soccer Schools are free to young people aged 6-16, and participants receive a free lunch while on site, educating them about healthy lifestyles.
CITC held an Instagram takeover at two of the soccer school sessions on UN World Health Day to highlight how they are promoting health in a physically, mentally and socially.
One participant said: “Coming to soccer schools allows me to make new friends, as they aren’t always people you already know.”
City in the Community Senior Operations Manager, Lisa McKay, said:
“Health is a core objective and outcome amongst all of our programmes.
“The UN defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, which really resonates with us here at CITC.
“Soccer Schools are a great example of how one project can support all these three objectives. The team deliver mental health workshops and support within the physical activity, as well as providing free healthy lunches.
“We’re also proud to see the young people develop socially, growing in confidence and meeting new friends.
“Although this important work goes on all year round, we’re delighted to shine a light on it through a social media takeover for World Health Day.”
Watch the video above to find out more about CITC soccer schools and how they are promoting ‘a society focused on wellbeing’.