Bikini Model Body at 56
Bikini Model Body at 56. Today’s incredibly inspiring Fit over 55 transformation is marathon runner, educator, and now bikini competitor, Allison! Allison loves setting new, and big goals for herself. After accomplishing much in the marathon running world, she decided she wanted to shift gears and try something totally new and different, and compete in a fitness competition at age 56!
As a runner, Allison was on point with her cardio, but the weights and nutrition were the pieces of the puzzle that were needed to transform her body. Allison worked with Hitch Fit Coach Diana Chaloux-LaCerte, and gave her Hitch Fit Plan every effort. She traveled multiple times throughout her transformation, but found ways to stay on point with her eating and get her workouts in just the same!
Allison made incredible changes in a 16 week time frame, and showed what is possible for women over 50 when you decide to commit to changes in eating and training. Amazing and inspiring job Allison! Can’t wait to see what goals you tackle next!
Allison’s Bikini Body Weight Loss Stats:
Starting weight: 141
Ending weight: 121
Starting body fat: 35.11%
Ending body fat: 18.18%
Inches lost at waist: 5.75
Inches lost at hip: 4
Allison’s Bikini Body Over 50 Before and After Photos:

fit at 56
Bikini Body over 50
Allison’s Fit at 56 Hitch Fit Success Story:
“My first Hitch Fit transformation was in 2012. Here I am, back at it ten years later!
I’ve always believed the enemy of great is good.
In other words, it’s so easy to settle for good or good enough, or, in my case, good enough “at my age”. The catalyst for all of this was our upcoming 35th Anniversary in June. I wanted to look my absolute best – not just good – or our anniversary trip to Italy.
But, in a world full of chaos and sadness, I was really unsure if I should do anything; it seemed selfish and unnecessary. It was when a friend that had been going through something pretty rough encouraged me that I decided to go for the best me that I’d ever been.
From the very beginning, it was not about weight loss, it was about body fat percentage, strength, and finding a level of fitness I’d never known.
All of this – still – at my age.
How to Get in Bikini Body Shape at 56
On Jan. 11, Diana weighed, measured, pinched and photographed me. I did not feel great, no matter what the scale said. But, I knew I was ready to feel great and to challenge myself.
If you know me, you know I have been addicted to running for 13 years; I have run 15 marathons, an ultra marathon and more 5K’s, 10K’s and Half marathons than I can count. Running is another type of fitness and while I love it, I was ready for new things.
I had just finished a marathon about 8 weeks before, and I was gearing up to run more. But getting in the gym to lift weights seemed like a better plan; it seemed scary – and I really like goals that scare me!
I was ready to see different results. So, when the measuring stopped and the numbers were there in front of me, it was scary! The only way I could get there, I told myself, was to know if I did not, I’d be missing a goal.
So I set another a scary go
al: Get up on the stage in 12 weeks at 56 years old and compete in a fitness competition. Wearing a bikini. I thought that was the best motivator. One that functioned like signing up for a race because I understood the concept of training toward a date, and being ready for the race. Or, in this case, the competition on April 16.
Diana set up a nutrition plan that I absolutely loved. I was never hungry, never deprived and always able to swap in foods to meet the percentages of carbs, fats and proteins for each meal. I thrived on this structure, along with no alcohol, no sweets and no cheese. Every time I was tempted, I reminded myself that my long goals were bigger than my short ones. And, the body changes I experienced (strength, curves, muscles) encouraged me and made me want to be 110 percent on my game.
We travel often, so I had to learn to book hotels near grocery stores, stock up on “my” food in a hotel mini fridge, and eat only in restaurants that fit my nutritional needs. Not easy, but actually do-able.
At some point in late March, I realized I was going to do this. Nothing had happened but progress. I was terrified. I had to learn to walk in competition shoes and pose on stage to show the best angles of my new muscles. I never wanted to “win”; the winning was achieved days before, when I hit all the numbers and realized I’d achieved the body fat percentage I thought was impossible back in January.
Stepping on stage to compete was a definite thrill but just the icing on the cake. I felt no pressure, just a sense of accomplishment. I competed with women half my age. It was such a great experience and one that I may repeat at some point!
The takeaways are that you are never too old, even in your 50’s (and beyond) to set what seems like a scary goal – and then crush it. I learned that my body really does not need much wine or cheese! I thrived on clean, whole foods.
The weight room grounds me in ways I could never have imagined. And, when I load the bar and do heavy barbell hip thrusts, it feels just as good, or possibly even better – than a long run to a finish line.
Step out ladies! Challenge yourself.
I once read that if your dreams don’t scare you they are not big enough. For me, this is true. I needed this big goal, at age 56.
I am so grateful for Diana, Micah and the Hitch Fit method.
My life is better, and forever changed because of this experience. I cannot say enough positive things about the process they have in place, the support they give each person and the kindness and warmth you feel when you work with them. They become your family.
And, you never know who is watching you! In my case, it was my always supportive husband. He has run 50 marathons and is an Ironman. But my weightlifting, eating and overall joy from this experience got his attention.
He joined Hitch Fit in the middle of my competition prep. His goal was to eat healthier, lift heavier and ultimately run better. We meal prep, lift weights and enjoy this journey together! I hope we find a gym in Italy!
Thank you Hitch Fit for making us better. I could not be more pleased with my experience working with Diana and meeting my goals!
With Gratitude,
Allison A.
56 year old bikini competitor

Program Choice: Bikini Model

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